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Learn to F.L.Y! (First. Love. You!)

Your phone rings at three in the morning. It’s your friend on the other end, crying hysterically about a fight she just had with her husband. You wipe the sleep from your face and stay on the line with her over an hour.

You give her your best words of advice and encouragement. You wake up the next morning exhausted, but you manage to get the kids to school on time and arrive bright and early for the team huddle. Mission accomplished! – or is it really?

Who are YOU going to talk to about your nagging back pain or feeling like you’re literally drowning by lunch time?

Self- Love Through Journaling

Well, if you’re the listening ear for the people in your world, you may find it nearly impossible to find someone to return the favor. I’ve had more than my share of times when I’ve felt like no one truly heard how I felt.

Then, I made a life-changing discovery – Journaling! Journaling helped me navigate some of the most difficult times of my life like, job loss, illness, and just feeling alone.

When I journal, my heart and head are finally captured in a way that I can see and touch. I feel the weight of the Cape of Responsibility fall from my shoulders.

In those moments, my feelings are the most important thing in the world. I don’t feel ashamed or guilty about the words I pour onto the paper. I can truly be ME!

Journaling helps me to self-reflect and discover solutions for issues that I may be facing at home, at work, or internally. When I sit down with my pen, my journal, and my thoughts, I know that I am practicing a form of self-care.

Journaling at the beginning or end of the day is a great way to set the tone for your day. When you are clear on how you feel, it gives you the framework to set boundaries with the people you love and work with.

The Woman, Take Off Your Cape and FLY 30-day journal has been my compass for self-discovery. It allows me to:

  • Organize my day, at home and work

  • Set daily goals

  • Be honest with myself about how I feel – body, mind, and spirit

  • Get daily inspiration from empowering quotes on self-love and self-care

  • Organize my feelings on what happened during the day (what uplifted me, what irritated me, what I can change, and what I can’t change)

It feels amazing to FLY! In 30 days, transform the way you prioritize YOU! If you’re ready to FLY, your flight guide and flight gear awaits you!

A 30-day self-discovery journal that helps get your physical and mental health on track

Get your fly on with the F.L.Y. Shirt! Click Here!

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© 2025 The Doc Knows

This content is the opinion of Dr. Candace and is for informational and educational purposes only.  Use of this information does not constitute a doctor/patient relationship.  Therefore, you should consult your doctor or healthcare professional before implementing any of the information in this content.  For specific questions or advice regarding your health, consult a healthcare professional.

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